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Akciğerde kitle nedir?

What is a benign mass in the lung?

Although most tumors in the lung are malignant, benign tumors can sometimes be present. Some of the tumors that we classify as benign are actually carcinoid tumors that grow very slowly and have some malignancy.

What are the types of benign masses in the lung?

Healed disease signs, which we call scars, can be seen, especially from some previous infections. There is a very low risk of tumor development from these scars.

Apart from this:
-Granulomas due to infectious and rheumatologic diseases,
adenoma, which is a completely benign tumor,
– fibroma,
– hamartoma,
– hemangioma or
– intrapulmonary lymph node, can also be seen.


How to distinguish a benign mass in the lung?

Benign mass in the lung can be distinguished by:
– patient’s age,
– whether he smokes or not,
– radiologic examination of the mass,
– PET CT or biopsy performed if necessary.

Should a benign mass in the lung be removed?

Not all benign tumors need to be removed. In general, tumors that we think are benign can be followed up. However, some of these tumors may need to be removed by surgery, either to make a precise diagnosis or because they may grow or obstruct the airways.
Sometimes, limited, infection-related lesions in the lung (ordinary infection or tuberculosis) may look like tumors. In such patients who do not normally require surgery, it may be difficult to distinguish these lesions from malignancies and they may require surgical removal.

Akciğer Nodülü nedir?What kind of patients can have a benign mass in the lung?

Benign tumors are more common at a young age. In other words, a mass seen in the lung at a young age is very likely to be benign. In people with risk factors such as smoking, advanced age and family history, the likelihood of malignancy is very high.

Does a benign mass in the lung heal on its own?

While some benign masses will heal spontaneously on its own, a significant number remain stable. Some may also grow slowly. 



Which surgery should remove a benign mass in the lung?

Benign lung masses, like other masses, should be removed by closed method (VATS through a single hole) surgery if appropriate depending on the location. Open surgery may be necessary to remove some that are very close to the trachea.

Ask Prof. Dr.
Erdal Okur

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