100s of success stories in 20 years.
Single incision surgery method applied with high success in lung cancer surgery for years.
+Get informationTHORACIC SURGERY
In addition to open surgery, thoracoscopy has become the most prominent method in the treatment of thoracic surgery diseases in recent years.
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Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is caused by the abnormal proliferation of cells in the lungs and small airways into malignant cells and the formation of a tumour.
Lung Nodule
During lung imaging, nodules (spots) smaller than 3-4 cm in size can be seen in the lung.
On the surface of the lung, especially in the upper part, there are sometimes congenital air sacs up to 1 cm in size.
Mediastinum Cyst
The region defined as the mediastinum is within the thorax and is located in the midline between both lungs.
Thymus Gland Diseases
The thymus is located in front of the heart just behind the anterior breastbone.
Excessive Sweating
This condition, called hyperhidrosis, is excessive sweating of the hands and armpits.
Thoracic Surgery
Prof. Dr. Erdal Okur
Prof. Dr. Erdal Okur
Thoracic Surgery
Who is a Thoracic Surgeon?
The field of thoracic surgery deals with the surgical methods and treatment of diseases that occur in the organs located in the thorax. Thoracic surgery interest area of the body begins with from the neck and continues down to the upper part of the abdomen, except for the breast and heart. The lung, diaphragm, mediastinum, thymus, esophagus, trachea and chest wall are the main organs of the thoracic surgery field. Thoracic surgery specialists deal with the diagnosis and surgery of health problems that occur in these parts of the body.
Who is Prof. Dr. Erdal Okur?
Born in 1968, Erdal Okur graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Medicine in 1992 and took his first step into medicine. After completing his compulsory service in Van and Kırklareli in 1993-1995, Okur started his thoracic surgery residency training in 1995 at Thoracic surgery department of Süreyyapaşa Pulmonology Hospital, which was the largest thoracic surgery center in Turkey at that time.
In 1999, he visited Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, USA in dorder to observe and increase his knowledge and talent in lung cancer surgery area. In 2000, after qualifying as a “Thoracic Surgery Specialist”, he was appointed as the “chief assistant” at the same center in the same year. In 2007, he worked especially on the areas of ‘endoscopic lung surgery’ and ‘lung transplantation’ in the Department of Thoracic Surgery at Washington University Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, USA. In 2009, he was appointed as ‘Assistant Clinical Chief’ and in 2010 as ‘Associate Professor’.
As a short-term Visiting Professor, he followed the latest developments in his field at the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Zurich Faculty of Medicine and at the Zakopane Thoracic Surgery Center in Poland.
Prof. Dr. Erdal Okur has been working at Acıbadem Healthcare Group and Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Thoracic Surgery since 2011.
Why closed method in lung surgery?
•The success rate is quite high.
• Since the operation area is a few centimeters, recovery afterwards is very fast.
• Since the operation area is small, the risk of complications during surgery is very low.
• It can be applied at any age. It is especially life-saving for the elderly.
• The surgical method requires special experience.
Acıbadem Ataşehir Hospital
Ask Prof. Dr. Erdal Okur
Lung cancer is a type of cancer caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the lungs. Treatment options vary depending on the type and stage of cancer and the general health status of the patient. Lung cancer surgery is one of the treatment options that can be applied according to certain criteria in the early stages of the disease and lung surgery methods are performed using various techniques.
Lung surgery is used to remove cancerous tissue and surrounding tissue that may be affected by cancer from the patient’s body if lung cancer is detected at an early stage and certain conditions can be met. In this way, the most effective treatment method of lung cancer is realised.
Among the lung surgery methods that can be performed in open and closed ways, the method that can only be applied in experienced centres and by experienced teams for the last 25 years is the Single Incision VATS method among Thoracoscopic Surgery, which is also Closed Lung Surgery.
Single incision VATS surgery provides many advantages for the patient.
The advantages of lung cancer VATS surgery can be listed as follows;
– Shorter operation time
– Smaller surgical field
– Reduced risk of bleeding
– Shortening the duration of postoperative intensive care and hospitalisation
– Fast return to daily life
– Less pain after surgery
While 90 per cent of lung cancer surgeries can be performed with the Single Port VATS method, open surgery method can also be preferred in some special cases.
In the treatment of lung cancer, the postoperative period is as important as the operation process. In addition to surgery, treatment methods such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, immunotherapy can be applied according to the follow-up and preference of the Oncology Specialist.